Ledger® Live: Download | Getting Started with Ledger®

Whether you're new to the Ledger ecosystem or a seasoned user, ledger live download version offers a seamless experience for managing your digital assets securely. Let's Download Ledger Live to securely buy, store, send and swap thousands of coins and NFTs with your Ledger device. Learn how to use apps, manage your Simply head over to the official Ledger website and download the desktop version compatible with your operating system – whether it's Windows, macOS, or Linux. Once Download Ledger Live. To begin using Ledger Live on your desktop and effectively manage your Ledger hardware wallet, here is a detailed guide along with support Getting Started: It covers the initial steps of downloading and installing Ledger Live on your computer or mobile device. The guide also explains how to ledger live download the Ledger Live crypto wallet app. Get the Ledger Live crypto wallet app and seamlessly manage all your web3 assets in one secure place.